With CRM, Sales, and Marketing Automation in one, Act! gives you everything you need for happier clients, more revenue, and less stress.
Act! Premium is perfect for small and midsize businesses looking to market better, sell more, and create customers for life. With unparalleled flexibility and freedom of choice, Act! Premium accommodates the unique ways you do business. Whether it’s customizations to fit your specific business or industry processes or your preferences for deployment and access, the possibilities with Act! Premium are limitless.
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StarTree: Real-Time Analytics for User-Facing Applications
Let us turn your data into one of your greatest assets
StarTree Cloud, powered by Apache Pinot, is our fully-managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). StarTree Cloud frees you from administrative burdens, letting you focus on gaining insights from your data, developing your applications, and meeting the needs of your users. StarTree Cloud is deployable as either public SaaS or private SaaS — which we call Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) — and is available on AWS, Azure Cloud, and Google Cloud.
Mail Alert Simple Mailer is a simple command-line utility designed for IT administrators for sending e-mail from Microsoft Windows OS. It can be executed from command line, Windows batch file or PowerShell scripts. My main reason for writing this software was to handle events generated by Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA), APC PowerChute and Windows Events to send hardware status and alerts like temperature alerts, UPS battery status, powerline status and RAID controller alerts from...